How to Dispose of Rubble in GermanyHow to Dispose of Rubble in Germany
As a foreigner or newcomer to Germany, it can be confusing when it comes to trash and recycling separation. Bauschutt entsorgen Frankfurt has its own specific rules and it’s worth checking out the waste management (Abfallwirtschaft) website to learn what goes where.
In cities with an urban population, the majority of municipal solid waste is transported to landfills and incinerators. The remaining waste is collected and sent to the local recycling plant for sorting. The material is separated into different categories depending on its contaminant concentration.
Some materials, such as rubble or soil, have to be professionally disposed of. This waste is classified as Z0 or Z1 depending on the contaminant concentration. In Germany this is done by qualified professionals, i.e. Trummerverwertungsgesellschaft, who collect the waste, dispose of it and then recycle it into a new material.
Rubble Disposal Made Easy in Frankfurt: A Complete Guide
All other waste, including paper and food scraps, are collected in special bins for organic garbage disposal. These bins are recognizable by their brown lid. They may be located in the street or inside your apartment building.
It’s worth noting that if you fill your trash can to the brim on garbage day, you have to pay for a special trash bag that you have to set alongside it. This is to prevent overflow of garbage on the streets and protect the environment. The extra trash bags can be bought in many German supermarkets for around 2.50 EUR. In addition, each city has a separate container in which you can donate old clothing items.…